"); //-->
硬件使用: NRF52832QFAAB0,FLASH 512K RAM 64KB
协议栈:S132 4.0.2
SDK: nRF5 SDK v13.0.0
(2)http://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/index.jsp 中Experimental: Flash Storage
交流qq: 1732700158 可以一起讨论52832相关开发的点点滴滴。
1.问题:实际项目中有很多时候,需要存储用户的设置信息,比如广播名称的修改,发射功率的修改,广播间隔的修改,密码修改,是否已经与设备绑定。这时候就需要用到FLASH来存储用户数据,达到掉电也保存配置数据。这里用Nrf52832 用FLASH 配合协议栈 来实现最基本的用户数据的存储,擦除,读取。
2.关键点:存储的地址是初始化时候自动分配的。还有就是擦除读取,在主程序中进行,不要放到各种回调函数中进行,比如 nus在收到擦除的命令,给一个标志,在主程序中进行擦除动作。
typedef struct
/**@brief The beginning of the flash space assigned to the application which registered this
* configuration. This field is set by @ref fs_init. It can also be set manually.
uint32_t const * p_start_addr;
/**@brief The end of the flash space assigned to the application which registered this
* configuration. This field is set by @ref fs_init. It can also be set manually.
uint32_t const * p_end_addr;
fs_cb_t const callback; //!< Callback to run when a flash operation has completed.
uint8_t const num_pages; //!< The number of flash pages requested.
/**@brief The priority with which fstorage should assign flash pages to this application,
* with respect to other applications. Applications with higher priority will be
* assigned flash pages with a higher memory address. The highest priority is
* reserved. Must be unique among configurations.
uint8_t const priority;
} fs_config_t;
static uint8_t fs_callback_flag;
FS_REGISTER_CFG(fs_config_t fs_config) =
.callback = fs_evt_handler, // Function for event callbacks.
.num_pages = NUM_PAGES, // Number of physical flash pages required.
.priority = 0xFE // Priority for flash usage.
static void fs_evt_handler(fs_evt_t const * const evt, fs_ret_t result)
if (result != FS_SUCCESS)
// An error occurred.
void user_info_save_init(void)
fs_ret_t ret = fs_init();
if (ret != FS_SUCCESS)
// An error occurred.
// Retrieve the address of a page.
static uint32_t const * address_of_page(uint16_t page_num)
return fs_config.p_start_addr + (page_num * PAGE_SIZE_WORDS);
void user_info_erase(void)
fs_ret_t ret;
fs_callback_flag= 1;
ret = fs_erase(&fs_config, address_of_page(0), 1,NULL);
if (ret != FS_SUCCESS)
while(fs_callback_flag== 1)
void user_info_store(void)
fs_ret_t ret;
fs_callback_flag= 1;
ret = fs_store(&fs_config, fs_config.p_start_addr, (uint32_t*)&app_status, sizeof(app_status),NULL);
if (ret != FS_SUCCESS)
// An error occurred.
while(fs_callback_flag== 1)
void user_info_read(void)//only invoke once when powen on
if((app_status.BondStatus ==0xFF)||(app_status.BeepStatus=0))